Sunday, June 26, 2011

Slowing Down

Today is the first day within short-term memory that I've had an entire day "off" from work, short trip traveling or a schedule of any kind. I found myself not knowing what to do. It didn't take long to get the hang of the freedom though. I danced, I cleaned, I went for a walk to the Co-Op and bought some fresh lunch ingredients and then I began to make home-made peanut sauce for a delicious rice noodle dish.

I've really begun to love food photography. I sort of accidentally started this practice of photographing the process of cooking or preparing food as well as the food itself and I find that it slows me down in the most wonderful way. I think the necessity of nutrition and food are at the most fundamental level of the Body and when we sustain the body well, we are all the more able to sustain the other aspects of ourselves. And when I slow this basic and necessary step down in order to make beauty of it and to appreciate it, I feel like I am nurturing myself in every way and steadying myself. I love doing this.

In other news: I've accepted the position of Associate Director of the Syracuse City Ballet! It is a part-time position that I'll be doing in addition to my other job and I'm so excited! I can't wait to jump in and join their mission.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Jackson Pollock
Louise Bourgeois
Loie Fuller
Yoko Ono
Joseph Beuys
Helen Frankenthaler
Henry Moore
Alfredo Jaar
Mark Rothko
Richard Diebenkorn
John Cage

These are some of the ideas I can't get enough of lately. I want more mind in the practice.

Monday, June 20, 2011


She loved it! So glad! She went to get it matted and framed as she liked, and this is what it will look like post-framing.

I have a few "paint" and "expression" exercises I want to do thanks to some concepts introduced in class and just life in general. I'm open to some pretty radical (for me) changes to my usual modus operandi and excited for a little much needed time off coming soon to try them out.

Life is good. Busier than ever and I don't know how. Subtle but significant changes coming soon though I can't tell you which way the changes are going yet. Still waiting to find out myself.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


I painted this copy of another painting (the original is part of the University's Archives and I have no idea who painted it). My coworker has requested this painting accompany her to every new office she's worked in at SU. And now she's retiring, so it is being handed off to another admirer. I've decided to paint her a little interpretation of the painting to keep. It's also great practice, as I haven't exactly been a practicing painter lately.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Market Day!

Visits to the Regional Market have now become ritual in our weekends. There is something incredibly satisfying about knowing where our food is coming from and meeting the people who bring it to bear. I never want to buy eggs from anyone other than the wonderful elderly couple next to the cupcake table ever again. There is something really holistic about supporting your local markets, and I've come to enjoy it incredibly.